Privacy Policy

Tree Campus values your privacy. We have tried our best in creating a secure and safe platform for you. This privacy policy applies to our website, application and other services that are owned and operated by us. This privacy policy explains how Tree Campus uses the information collected from you. It also describes the choices available to you regarding the use of your personal information and how you can access and edit this data.

Collected Information

Certain services provided by Tree Campus will be available even if you have not created an account. When you create an account, you have to provide some ‘personal information’. This might include full name, birthdate, email address or other information that can be used for verification of your identity. The different kinds of personal information that we might ask for includes:

  1. Information needed for your profile like name, email address, birthdate and maybe some demographic information.
  2. If you register through or link your account with, a third-party or integrated service (like facebook, Instagram, google) , Tree Campus may also collect Personal Information that is already associated with your Integrated Service account.
  3. Our website, application and services include certain features that allow some other users (usually a legal parent or guardian or teacher who has registered an account for you) to provide your personal information.
  4. We may also receive data from third-parties with whom we work or partner to provide the educational content and services. If we combine the information that we get from other sources with the personal Information that we collect through our website, application or services , we will treat this information altogether as your personal information.

Information regarding your access and usage of our services

We will collect information about your learning pattern and performance during tests. This is done to improve your learning experience. We may collect and use information about your approximate location using your IP address. This will be used to provide you with the best educational materials according to your region.

Usage and Device Information

We may use different technologies to collect technical information from your browser or device when you use our website, application and services. This information will help us to provide a personalized learning experience. Such information is collected usually by making use of different tracking technologies like cookies, flash objects, log files, web beacons and other similar technologies. We may also collect analytics data (or use third-party analytics tools) to understand and measure the traffic and usage trends. This will also help to understand the demographics of the users.

Usage of Cookies

  1. To know whether you are signed in or have previously signed in. This is done so that we can display all the features that are available to you.
  2. In order to receive your preferred content the next time you use our services, there is a need to remember the settings on the page.
  3. To customize the appearance and function of the pages you use. We do this based on the information relating to your account.
  4. Website usage tracking is done for different purposes like sales and marketing.

Usage of collected information

We use the collected information to:

  1. Improve our services.
  2. Personalize your experience while using our website, application or other services.
  3. To contact you ( regarding your account and also to respond to your queries).
  4. enable your participation in programs or services which we may offer in partnership with certain third-party groups, to the extent you wish to participate in such programs.

Data Sharing

Tree Campus does not sell or rent the information collected from the users. We will disclose your information only with your consent. We may disclose anonymous or collective information that does not reasonably identify you as an individual. Some features on our website, application or services make your information accessible to other users. Once you make your information available to others online, there is no restriction to other users in collecting or using that information. If you do not want such sharing, you can use a nickname or alias in your profile. When you post a question or an answer, your profile, which could include your name, biography and location, as well as the content of your posted comment, is visible to other users using the website or application. When your account is connected to a tutor on the Service, the tutor will be able to see your profile information and your activities on the service, such as the videos which you have watched, the questions and solutions you post, and also some personal information like name and email address. You may provide willingness or consent to share your personal information with third party applications or services in several ways like:

  1. We may disclose your Personal Information through a social network or similar service (like Facebook or Google) upon your request.
  2. We may share or disclose your data and personal information with certain third-party groups. If you link your Tree Campus account to an application or service, or approve access to your account by a third-party application or service, you consent to Tree Campus sharing your personal information with that third party.
  3. When you participate in special programs where Tree Campus works or partners with third parties, we may share or transfer the collected data about you with its third-party partners to facilitate the program or services being offered.
  4. Tree Campus does not share the collected Personal Information of yours without your consent, to any third-party organizations for their marketing or promotional use.

Disclosure of User Information

Tree Campus will share user information with the employees and trusted vendors and trusted third-parties who are contractually required to maintain the security and confidentiality of that personal information. If Tree Campus gets involved in a merger, purchase, bankruptcy, change of control, or any form of sale of some or all of our assets, your personal user information may be shared or disclosed in connection with such business transactions. We may disclose personal information to satisfy any applicable law or regulation and also to investigate and defend ourselves against any third-party claims. User information is also used to investigate fraud.

Marketing and Sponsored Content

We may send email to the email address you provided and the mail will be regarding our products and services, or other third-party products and services we think you might be interested in. Tree Campus does not display any third-party advertisements on the website, application or other services. We sometimes permit certain third parties to sponsor the content displayed on our Service.  Tree Campus created videos does not display advertisements, third-party content may include advertising which we are not responsible for.

Online Advertising and Third-Parties

Tree Campus participates in interest-based advertising and uses third party advertising companies to give you targeted advertisements on other websites, applications or services (including social networking sites) or on other devices you may be using. These third-party ad networks use tracking technologies to recognize your browser or device and to collect information about you. This information is used to provide you customised content and things that you might be interested in. We try our best to reduce such advertising and use of tracking technologies when we know that the user is a child.  In order to display video content on our service, we make use of YouTube. YouTube will be using tracking technologies to gather your information. Tree Campus is not involved in these data transmissions.

Choices and Options

You can always deny us the access to your personal information. You do not have to create an account or enter your information in order to access our materials. But certain features will only be available to you if you register. You can also revoke Tree Campus’s access to your account on any Integrated Service(like google, facebook) at any time by changing the settings in the account preferences of the respective Integrated Service. We might send you mails from time to time regarding our products and services. You can choose not to receive these emails by clicking the unsubscribe link in any e-mail or by using the options on your Settings page.

Editing and Deleting your Information

If you create an account in Tree Campus website or application, you will be able to edit or delete your account and related information any time you want by going to the account settings. Parents or legal guardians can edit the information present in child user accounts. When you delete your account, we may not be able to delete all the data. Some information will be retained in technical support logs and business records. We will not be required to delete any data which has been disassociated with personal identifiers and such data cannot be used to identify a particular person. If we do not receive a deletion request, your account will remain active and all your data will be retained.

Data Security

For the protection of your privacy and security, we take reasonable steps to verify your identity before we grant you account access or allow you to edit account information. You should have a strong password to ensure the security of your account. We cannot completely ensure the security of any of the information you transmit to Tree Campus, and you do so at your own risk.

School Users

Tree Campus has implemented several additional controls and procedures for schools and its staff. Schools can enter into a contract with Tree Campus and use our services as part of the educational curriculum. Tree Campus receives personal information of the student users in the school and such data is protected by student data privacy laws. Our collection and usage of Student user’s information is governed by our contracts with the Schools, by our Privacy Policy, and by applicable privacy laws. We may share usernames and profile information of the student users (depending on the features and access controls available to the school user account) with other users on the service like teachers, coaches or school administrators. This data may also be visible if a school user posts content in discussion forums. Tree Campus may provide the school access to student user information and teacher user account information so that the school can monitor the student’s progress and activity. We will not keep Student user information beyond the time period required to support an educational purpose, unless authorized by a School, student or parent. The users can continue to use their accounts for personal purpose by linking their accounts with their parent’s account.

Children’s Privacy

We do not allow children under the age of 13 to create an account on Tree Campus website or application. If the child is less than 13 years old then a legal guardian or parent or staff personnel can create an account for the child user. We collect a username, birthdate, and Parent’s email address when a child user registers for the service, as well as any other personal information a legal guardian or parent adds to  the child user’s account. If the parent enables features that allow content posting, he or she should monitor and make sure that the child does not post personal information. The username, learning pattern, progress and the personal information the parent added to the child user’s profile, is shared with the tutor added to the child user’s account. A parent account can restrict the child user from adding tutors to the account. We do not share personal information of the child users for the purpose of direct marketing. We try our best to eliminate targeted advertising on the service when a child user is logged in. Tree Campus has also taken measures to reduce the tracking activities of YouTube when a child is watching it’s content used on our website or application. A legal guardian or parent can access the child user’s account, edit personal information and also delete the account, if needed. You will have to delete your child user’s account before you delete your parent user account.

International Usage

Our Service is operated and managed on servers located within India. If you use our services from outside India, then you acknowledge that we will transfer your personal information to India for performing the service according to our contract or agreement. We might use this information for other purposes for which you provide explicit, informed consent.

Links to other sites

The services we provide may be linked to websites or applications operated and maintained by other entities or persons. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the activities of such third-party websites or applications or services.

Privacy Policy Updates

From time to time, Tree Campus may make changes to this Privacy Policy . We will notify users of modification to our Privacy Policy by posting the revised Privacy Policy with an updated date of revision on our Service. We will do the best we can to notify or inform you of the changes by posting a notice on our website. If you continue to use our services after the effective date of such an update, then it shows your acceptance of the modified privacy policy.